With awards season upon us, here is an easy reference list of all the original stories Zooscape published in 2020. We think they’re all award-worthy. We hope you think so too!
Dragon Child by Stella B. James (3,900 words)
Double Helix by Lucia Iglesias (1000 words)
As If Waiting by A. Katherine Black (7,100 words)
The Adventures of WaterBear and Moss Piglet by Sandy Parsons (900 words)
The God-Smoker by Dylan Craine (800 words)
Maker Space by Adele Gardner (4,500 words)
When the Horse Came to the Open House by K. C. Mead-Brewer (700 words)
Love From Goldie by David Steffen (700 words)
Riding Through the Desert by Laurence Raphael Brothers (8,200 words)
Fur and Feather by Ingrid L. Taylor (2,100 words)
A Wake for the Living by Jordan Kurella (3,600 words)
Swift Shadow’s Solace by E.D. Walker (900 words)
Source and Sedition by Koji A. Dae (3,600 words)
The Starflighter from Starym by Tamoha Sengupta (900 words)
Keep Breathing by Karter Mycroft (1,600 words)
Cepha by Eliza Master (1,600 words)
Dinos on Your Doorstep by Nina Kiriki Hoffman (1,800 words)
Philosopher Rex by Larry Hodges (1000 words)
The Good Smell by Tim Susman (2,400 words)
The White Deer by Ian Madison Keller (7,500 words)
Shadowbox on the Tundra by Gretchen Tessmer (700 words)
Hope, Unrequested and Freely Given by Brent Baldwin (1,500 words)
Song of the Raven and Crow by Avra Margariti (2,500 words)
The Sleep of Reason by Michael H. Payne (4,800 words)
The Dragon Maker by Amy Clare Fontaine (1,900 words)
Self-Expression by R. C. Capasso (300 words)