Welcome to Issue 14: Built to Last
Furry fiction is as old as tales about gods turning themselves and others into animals, as old as fairy tales with animal helpers, as old as redwood trees, as old as the practice itself of telling stories. We’ve always told stories about animals, anthropomorphizing everything around us, animating every corner of our lives with more life.
Furry fiction is old and young at the same time. The bright colors and colorful antics of animal characters naturally appeal to the youngest of readers, but those of us who stay young at heart never let go of our love for animal stories even as the world forces us to grow up. And as you age into discovering the many shades of gray in this world, many of us find that animal stories can bring comfort and also enlightenment, giving us more metaphors for discussing the heaviest of issues. Furry fiction lets us tell some of the hardest stories in a way that makes them light enough to bear.
Furry fiction is young at heart, and built to last.
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Coyote Woman Sings the Blues by Marissa James
Charley Coavins by Gretchen Tessmer
The Imaginary Friend by Gwynne Garfinkle
This Story is Called “The Transformation of Things” by P.H. Lee
The Swift-Footed Darling of the Rocks (Do NOT Actually Call Me That) by Marie Croke
My Song Too Fierce by Emily Randolph-Epstein
Harold’s Hook by Rebecca E. Treasure
The Corvid King by Amy Clare Fontaine
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