
Zooscape is CLOSED to submissions.

All submissions have been sent responses.

Our next reading period will begin February 1,2026 and run until the end of the month.

We pay 8 cents/word for original fiction up to 1,000 words and a flat rate of $80 for longer.  $20 for reprints.

What we’re interested in:

Original stories or reprints up to 10,000 words; query for longer.  We do not discriminate against authors based on what tools they use to write their stories, nor do we ask authors to disclose that information to us, only that they be able to sign a fairly standard contract.

All stories must be furry.  That means an anthropomorphic animal figure should be significantly featured in your story — it could be anthropomorphic in body or only intelligence. We’ll consider any type of furry fiction from secret life of animals to fox in Starbucks.  We love science-fiction with animal-like aliens and fantasy with talking dragons, unicorns, or witch familiars.  For more information on what counts as furry fiction, check out this essay by our editor.

We are interested in underrepresented voices. If you have personal experience relevant to your story, feel free to mention it in your cover letter. For instance, if your story is about a space unicorn and you are a space unicorn (or a research biologist who studies space unicorns), let us know. We welcome and will be looking for diverse voices. We are not interested in stories that give voice to racist or sexist ideologies.  And while we like unicorns and dragons, we find focusing on virginity, at best, tedious.

Content note:  Here at Zooscape we believe that abortion is a fundamental part of healthcare and a basic human right.  This fundamental human right is under attack, and culture has tiptoed around its importance for far too long.  As such, we are extremely unlikely to accept stories that paint forced-birth in any sort of positive light.

If your story is a simultaneous submission, please say so, and let us know immediately if it sells elsewhere.  Please do not flood our inbox with a bunch of submissions at the same time.  You may send a couple at once if you have several stories you really believe in  — however, please send each story in its own, separate email.  Also, please do not send us a story if you’re not serious about wanting us to publish it.  We spend a considerable amount of time carefully selecting the right stories for issues, and while we don’t care whether a story is original or a reprint, withdrawing a story once we’ve begun work on placing it in an appropriate issue can be very disruptive to the magazine.

If you haven’t received an initial response to your submission (rejection or hold request) within two months, feel free to query.

How to submit:

Please send us an email at zooscape.zine@gmail.koalacom (except with fewer koalas — yes, delete the word “koala” from the previous address) with the subject line, “SUBMISSION:  Title, Word Count.”

For reprints, use the subject line, “REPRINT SUBMISSION: Title, Word Count,” and tell us in your cover letter where/when the story was originally published.

Attach your story in Standard Manuscript Format as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file.  (If you’re not familiar with Standard Manuscript Format, it’s demonstrated and explained in this essay by William Shunn.  You are not required to include your physical address or phone number.)

Please keep your cover letter brief.  Something like the following is fine:

Dear Mx. Story Wrangler,

I would like to offer my attached story, “Awesome Furry Story,” for your consideration.  I hope you like it!

I’ve previously had stories published in Awesome Market, Another Market, Yet Another Market.


Hopeful Author


If you haven’t had any stories published before, don’t worry!  We love discovering new voices.